Teaching & Leadership

Teaching is about empowering students to think critically and apply knowledge effectively. As an assistant professor, I’ve guided students through complex subjects, inspiring a passion for learning and innovation.

Key Roles:

  • Course Director for Anthropometrics and Biomechanics, Experimental Psychology, and General Psychology for Leaders (2017–2020).
  • Academically Promoted to Assistant Professor in 2019.
  • Recipient of the BS&L Teaching Excellence Award.

Teaching Examples

Giving a Psychology Departmental Brownbag Luncheon talk about the connection between Implicit Attitudes, Explicit Attitudes, and Dependence on a robotic teammate.  

Teaching PSY 340: Human Factors Psychology.  I enjoyed bringing in current military problems and relating them to theories the class is learning about.  

Teaching PSY 420: Cognitive Processes on a lesson on attention.  I really enjoyed being able to link inferential stats to the Stroop Task, reminding them about the power of statistics.  Also, I enjoyed giving a (very) brief overview of the Multiple Resource Theory and showing how it is being used to solve real problems for the Army.

Leadership Philosophy

Leadership is about inspiring trust and fostering collaboration to achieve shared goals. My experience leading multidisciplinary teams and managing large-scale operations has honed my ability to bring out the best in people.

Key Roles:

  • Served as the Battalion Executive Officer and Operations Officer for 1-508 PIR (Fury From the Sky!).  As a part of the nation’s Immediate Response Force, led his Battalion during a no-notice deployment to Poland in support of Operation Assure, Deter, and Reinforce.
  • Served as a Company Commander of 2-327 IN (No Slack!) to Kandahar Airfield as the Army withdrew combat forces from Afghanistan.
  • Served as a Platoon Leader and Executive Officer in 4-9 IN (Manchu!) during Operation Iraqi Freedom as a part of the last combat forces in the country.  Drove from Iraq to Kuwait as a part of the “Last Combat Patrol” in Iraq.